Project Description:
This project was a user experience vision of cars will be in the late 202X time frame, shown to virtually all major automakers at CES 2016. It was the third annual private presentation to automotive customers at CES by the car multimedia group (I led the previous two as well), but the first that was a full car structure and immersive experience, and that looked that far into the future.
It was paired with a nearer-future 2020 vision done by my German coworkers, so the two created a time journey the customers moved through.
My Role:
I was the lead user experience designer for this project from beginning to end.
♦ Organized brainstorms within the UX and Car Multimedia teams to come up with original themes we might take
♦ Took a key role in choosing a partner to work with (lacking enough people at Bosch)
♦ Then with that partner IconMobile did research with leading visionaries and experts around those themes and open-ended questions
♦ Did ideation on what we learned and created the opportunity areas, and then ideas and use cases we would present
♦ Coordinated with the designer of the nearer-future 2020 vision on the public floor to ensure ours seemed like a reasonable future step from theirs with consistency between
♦ Followed through on the design on a daily basis, coordinating with development teams at both Bosch and Icon (the physical car, and the software and hardware elements within it, including traveling back and forth between Santa Monica and my home in the Silicon Valley by week, and to Germany during the car build)
♦ Created, refined and iterated on the storyline
♦ Presented our plan to executives for approval
♦ Planned the presentation experience down to each detail (what the car would do and say, what each screen showed, and what the narrator would say)
♦ Presented to customers at CES
♦ Gathered feedback, and
♦ Oversaw the creation of a video of the result for sharing with others in the company and other customers who missed the live demo
Examples from Throughout Project:
Research Phase - Example Interview Result Summary:

Planning - Example of detail plan of each feature, for executive review:

Coordination - Examples of my plan with our other CES presentation (nearer-term vision in public area):

Wireframes - Examples from the multi-layer instrument panel, head unit
(center screen), side window projection, and wrap-around screen video frame (clockwise from top left):
(center screen), side window projection, and wrap-around screen video frame (clockwise from top left):
Detailed plan example of each step in the demo, including what is shown on all elements, narrator’s text, and what the car says:

Final Results - Living room magic mirror, car interior with window projection, interactive touch table which folded down (clockwise from left):

The resulting demonstration car, with the front seats rotated and table folded up (I can show a video of the entire customer experience by request):

View a short overview video of the resulting demonstration
Results – Customer Feedback
(from written feedback forms, making the year's efforts so worthwhile)
“Best presentation at CES” (Audi/Porsche)
“Best show on a fair ever! Good storyline from here to future” (Audi)
“I thought I was at Epcot Center” (Nissan)
“Completely awesome” (Fiat Chrysler)
“Awesome and very impressive” (Daimler Trucks North America)
“Well beyond what we thinking” (Porsche)
“Fantastic! Well thought out use cases” (A different Nissan group)
“Overall just excellent” (Renault)
“Better than all that I have seen in CES!” (BMW)